
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Trip #5: Canadian Idol Unleashed

Feb 12th, 2007

Saj had school today so I crashed at Ted's (which is IKEA'D out ladies ;) haha. He lives in York by "Korea-town"...we walked around went for lunch then it was off to the metro to go meet my aunt & uncle in Misissauga. It was nice catching up with fam...the next morning it was back to Calgary & back to work...brutal. But totally worth the trip!

February 11th, 2007

Ah! To sleep in....after a breakfast of champions of ORGANIC peanut butter puffs (yes yes i'm talking about food again but u must try these), saj gave me a walking tour of Yorkville - which is a trendy, celebrity frequented area with upscalish shops like Gucci, Calvin Klein etc. We walked into one store just for fun and that's when we spotted....THE DRESS. Saj picked it out, made me try it on, and everyone in the store came over to see! It fit PERFECTLY which never happens...all the sales girls came over and ooohed and awed (cause they wanted me to buy it). So it was unanimous. I splurged on the (LEOPARD PRINT) dress (after bartering the price down)SWEET. Saj - you have immaculate taste!

From there we quickly ran thru the ROM(Royal Ontario Mueseum) to chk out exhibits on Chineese history & Buddishm. Sorry I couldn't take pictures!

In the evening Ted picked me up and we checked out a comedy club show. It was setup like SNL, but was "Sunday nite live" - it even featured a musical guest host: Ryan Malcolm! No. He's NOT a celebrity...but he IS a Canadian Idol!...

After the show we picked up saj and went to cafe with great cake, full of students, and the guy next to us was knitting while playing scrabble....But it was sooo great hanging out with my BFFs! scratch that....with Saj & Ted! :)

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